Saturday, October 07, 2006

Invitations to demonstrate in protest of the charges offensive to the prophet Mohammad peace be upon him

Demonstrations in Egypt in protest against the charges of abusive first Baldanmark (French-Archive)

The banned Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, all Muslims to demonstrate against countries that allow the abuse of Islam and the economic boycott, and in the wake of a videotape broadcast on television Danish government last Friday for a ceremony to draw abusive images of the Prophet Mohamed's blessings and peace be upon him. The statement expressed the condemnation of the Muslim Brotherhood, condemned to repeat the humiliations of the Muslims, He called on all "individuals and groups, organizations, governments and the holy month to supporting their religion and to show their anger wise and prudent." It also called on Muslims to express their disapproval of what happened through the peaceful expression of the demonstration and protest letters, and others, and to the economic boycott of countries that wiping out those abuses. The Muslim Brotherhood, the repetition of the abuses evidence of the depth of hostility that much of certain sectors in the West against Islam and the Prophet and Muslims. The statement said : "While the Muslims Ejreeton humiliated because of the statements of the Vatican Pope attacking Islam and the prophet, and before that Cartoons (Danish) bumped insulting Muslims were also new from Denmark and the Youth Committee of the Danish People's Party participating in the coalition government. " Danish Muslims " In Denmark, Muslim leaders condemn new charges of abusive Prophet Mohamed, but they stressed they would not prevent action against " Muslim leaders have condemned what Baldanmark came in the video clip of the abuse of the Prophet Mohamed, they stressed that they would not prevent action against. He said Ahmed Abu gum in front of a mosque in Copenhagen that "in view of the previous problems we must be careful." Clear Abu-gum, which has helped to organize a trip to Egypt and Lebanon last year for the mobilization of Muslim leaders to protest the charges - that the situation was different this time. pointing to the position of the People's Party against Islam and Muslims, and it was not publish these photographs. Men also expressed regrets the decision of the Danish television introduced the pictures, saying that it raises ethical questions. For its part, expressed 137-142 Akdoujan spokeswoman for the Muslim community, the Democrats are pro-integration and community - which was formed in the wake of protests against the charges last February-happy to condemn parties Danmarkeh what happened. They ruled out the possibility that the events - which are described Balgbeh and ridiculous-demonstrations or other actions by Muslims. But they acknowledged that the new charges were prejudicial to Prophet Mohamed will increase the difficulty of the process of rapprochement. He criticized members of Youth wings of other Danish parties, including the Liberal Democratic Party and the people. saying they Sihatjon to refrain from participating in any political events attended by the People's Party. Adoption fees Fears that the outbreak of the crisis, the new wave of anger new Islamic States The build-Søren Espersen, who believed the second man-drawings offending people by the participants filed with the Youth Committee of his party, in a ceremony Samar summer camp on the fifth of August last year. Espersen said that these fees are only joke between friends and the poor, saying that "we do not have anything sacred. not Christ and Buddha and Mohammed, and President Biya Kiasco our party, will Nazl whom no one can decide our lives in Denmark. " The president of the Youth Kenneth Christiansen in a statement on the island of the Net that was not present during the presentation of the commemoration of the charges, He described the charges and that the big error does not accept this work if it never existed inauguration. Kritiansen refused to address the question of an apology directly from the fees and simply refusing, He called on Muslims to recognize that the Messiah is the son of God, and they must form the tariff books on the Prophet (Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him) "to improve its image in the West and the definition of it." Youth Organization, and established the People's Party held to draw what they described as the "worst form" of the holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. And before the second national channel and the newspaper Avisen tape the concert, and showed the abusive images. According to the competition that losing wears the kind of Barga more cynical and mocking Islam. It is noteworthy that, in the ninth and 10th of this month. the trial will begin lifting Muslims Baldanmark chairman of the cultural section sheet Iolands Boston for his charges cartoons abusive Quran to the prophet peace be upon him about a year ago.
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