A boy walks past graffiti in in Kosovo which reads: "No negotiation - Self-determination."
posted by Aljazera.net
Russia has reacted unfavourably to a United Nations plan to give Kosovo greater independence from Serbia.Martti Ahtisaari, the UN special envoy for Future Status Process for Kosovo, unveiled the plan at the UN complex in Vienna to the six-nation Contact Group on Friday. which
The Group, comprising the US, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and Italy, has set policy on Kosovo since the United Nations took control of the province in 1999.
After the meeting, Ahtisaari said Russia had called for any decision on Kosovo to be delayed until Serbia formed a new government.
The five other members of the group - the US, Britain, France, Italy, Germany - were in favour of the plan and saw no need for delay, he added.
Ahtisaari needs the approval of the Contact Group before he can make the plan public.Diplomatic sources had said that the Vienna meeting was intended to be the last step before Ahtisaari presented his blueprint to officials in Pristina and Belgrade on February 2.Serbs and Kosovo Albanians had been due to discuss the fine print of the deal during February, although there was little prospect of them reaching an agreement.Independence demandedEight years after Nato drove out Serb forces accused of ethnic cleansing in the province, Kosovo is demanding nothing less than full independence.
Meanwhile, Serbia is offering only far-reaching autonomy for a territory that it sees as the traditional birth-place of the Serb nation.Ahtisaari said on Wednesday that his plan would focus on "the protection of minority rights, in particular of the Kosovo Serbs" and "a strong international civilian and military presence within a broader future international engagement in Kosovo."Diplomatic and UN sources told Reuters news agency that Kosovo would be given the right to apply for membership of international organisations, potentially including the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. They said it would provide for a right to dual citizenship, and urge Pristina to establish good relations with Serbia and other neighbours, but would contain no reference to Serbian sovereignty. Self-determinationGermany, Britain, France, Italy and the United States have all said they believe the Albanians should be granted self-determination but Russia has said it will not back a solution that goes against the wishes of Serbia, a fellow Slavic and Orthodox Christian nation that is a natural ally.Diplomats had said they felt there was enough room for manoeuvre between the two positions to avoid a Russian veto in the UN Security Council later this year.Nato countries, which have more than 16,000 peacekeepers in Kosovo, have vowed to maintain support for international efforts to resolve its status but called a rapid resolution. "There was an enduring and unflagging commitment for Nato to play its part in the process related to status and beyond it," James Appathurai, Nato spokesman, said."There was a strong sense around the table on the need for a resolution as soon as possible. Long delays risk a lack of clarity, risk fostering instability," he added.
posted by aljazeera.net
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