Yogurt is said that originally came from Turkey in the early 1900s. He said : "Lucky Binshkov" winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace : that the living cent over the year are fruit yogurt. The yogurt is milk Akhtmer by bacterial interactions, and the process of fermentation techniques that separates him fats, materials Alzlalih converted to wet emulsion digestible, sugar and acidifies Allbenik like acid.
The major benefit of yogurt concentrated in a lactose Bachels, the microbe-sized microscopic organisms attacking the unwanted through the formation of an acid counter it, They cleanse the intestines and eliminate 85% of harmful germs out; Valzbadi restore storage lactose Bachels intestine in time where the organisms or microbes peoples in the region had fallen due to illness or antibiotics.
Yogurt and digestible food and Moisturizes the body, which is easier on the digestion of milk; Valtvaelat that occur during enteric affect the sugar found in milk and protein where it is, so the new product more easily in the digestion of milk, The bacterial interactions that occur in the sugar is quick fix for those who suffer from stomach cramps or diarrhea due to drinking milk.
The yogurt is of a high nutritional value; because the process of fermentation techniques do not lose milk only a minimal amount of material available by the sugary, Which is what makes milk yogurt participate in the high nutritional value, which contains vitamin "A. d, "and a large proportion of calcium, The protein in yogurt better than the protein found in meat, because the latter has the proportion of fats.
Accordingly, the Vallben cans of food appropriate for the Elderly and the ladies who needed over the age of 45 years, and who suffer from weakness of bones, loss of teeth. , Yogurt, and milk replacement body from the lack of materials that cause these symptoms. The yogurt than in milk-interest; because milk goes Balcolistrol, and it is advisable for the elderly less milk and more milk yogurt; where gives the body benefits in the milk without the fat and cholesterol.
The yogurt was not a great benefit food only, but could be considered to be of therapeutic benefit to many diseases and illnesses. and it is a valuable preventive; because it increases the ability of immune and endurance, and works to strengthen the digestive system and the circulatory system.
The yogurt has a close relationship to delay the symptoms of aging is an ongoing diet, and by increasing the resistance of the body and the prevention of infection Bhamyat, infectious diseases and exterminate harmful microbes Channel bad, by adding a strong defensive line leads to the suspension of the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of arteries, and particularly that feed the heart and brain. Thus outlive those who regularly deal with cans and enjoy health, strength and activity lasting and renewed youth and vitality excess.
The yogurt helps to get rid of harmful blood fat, cholesterol and foremost, This helps not deposited on the walls of arteries. And cans of calming nerves, and concludes rights of insomnia, Colic and cleanse the intestines, and he will be able to eliminate pathogenic bacteria. In addition to mineral salts and acids it contains yogurt, it also contains vitamin "a, b, d," dealing with food and constantly push pollution damage from the incident, water, food and air.
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